este apartado se estudia la historia de los navegador web: Mosaic, Netscape, el primer Internet Explorer, la guerra de los navegaodres...
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- Browser wars: who’s the fastest?: Brendan Eich, CTO of Mozilla, talks about the race for the fastest browser engine. Google, Microsoft, Apple—are all competing with Mozilla. The competition, he says, is good for users and developers. [20/09/12]
- Computing Conversations with Brendan Eich: Computer's multimedia editor Charles Severance speaks with Mozilla CTO Brendan Eich about how the latter created JavaScript in 1995. As HTML5 emerges, it's entirely possible that JavaScript will soon become a dominant programming language for both mobile and desktop applications, which is impressive for a language Eich developed in 10 days nearly 20 years ago. [20/09/12]
- Internet and Web Pioneers: Brian Behlendorf - Apache Foundation: Brian is the founder of the Apache foundation and is one of the lead developers of the Apache Web server - the most popular server on the Internet. Brian talks about the history of Apache, how Apache is governed and his current effort with CollabNet (collab.net). [Ingles :(]
- Internet Pioneers: Joseph Hardin - The History of the Mosaic Web Browser: Mosaic was the first widely available cross-platform browser and is seen by many as the trigger for the broad commercialization of the Internet and the web. Joseph Hardin managed the group that developed NCSA Mosaic at the University of Illinois. Joseph talks about the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and the decisions and thinking that led to the beginning of the NCSA Mosaic project in 1992. Joseph also talks about the early steps in commercialization of the Web through Netscape and then Microsoft. [20/09/12]
- Netscape Mozilla Documentary 1998 - 2000 ProJect Code Rush: Code Rush, produced in 2000 and broadcast on PBS, is an inside look at living and working in Silicon Valley at the height of the dot-com era. The film follows a group of Netscape engineers as they pursue at that time a revolutionary venture to save their company - giving away the software recipe for Netscape's browser in exchange for integrating improvements created by outside software developers.
- And the Winner is... - Web Browser Wars III: This is the 3rd Web Browser Wars Video - Which browser is your favorite?
- Brendan Eich: From Netscape Navigator to Firefox: In a Super Techies interview, Mozilla CTO Brendan Eich talks to ZDNet Editor in Chief Dan Farber about his career as a programmer in Silicon Valley. Eich discusses his early work at Netscape creating the JavaScript programming language, battling Microsoft in the browser wars, and his current role at Mozilla, overseeing new technology enhancements for the company's flagship Firefox browser.
- Browser Wars - Lets make Peace!: Which browser is faster? which one has more features? Which is more compatible? These are a few of the popular questions asked about web browsers. Lets see how the PeaceKeeper benchmarks the top 5 popular browsers against each other.
- How browsers work internally - Tali Garsiel - Front-Trends 2012: Tali Garsiel on how browsers work internally.
- Lessons Learned from the Browser Wars: Did we learn anything through the massive growth in Internet software development from 1995-2000? Scott Berkun did. He was an original member of the small and initially ignored Internet Explorer team of 15 people that grew into a 200+ person organization by version 5.0. He went on to manage teams in Windows and MSN, and is here to talk about what he learned during and since those wild chaotic times. To illustrate tough lessons of software development, this talk incorporates stories from the browser wars and Berkun's research into other projects. These lessons address issues such as small vs. large team engineering, business vs. customer tradeoffs, how to be...
- LIVE EC Midday press briefing: Midday statement by Joaquín ALMUNIA, Vice-President of the EC in charge of Competition, on Microsoft non-compliance with the browser choice commitments.
- Web Browser Wars 4 - The beginning...: Is Internet Explorer 9 catching up? Will Google Chrome forever be the fastest performing web browser? What's your opinion?
- Web Browser Wars II - Which browser is the fastest in 2010?: Google Chrome ? Mozilla - Minefield or Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer which is your favorite? Which is fast for you? You can run your own browser tests on http://service.futuremark.com/peacekeeper/index.action.
- Browser Wars: The End or Just the Beginning?: “Browser Wars: The End or Just the Beginning?” reveals not only the impact web browsers like Chrome and Firefox have had on the once-mighty Internet Explorer, but introduces another strong contender in the battle for web browser superiority… Mobile Safari, found on devices like the iPhone and iPad. We also thought it would be fun to do a timeline of the somewhat notorious “Browser Wars” that have taken place for more than two decades. [20/09/12]
- Browsers Timeline: Timeline de la historia de los navegadores web, desde 1996 hasta 2011.
- Current status of the “Browser Wars”: In this report we will examine the current status of what is often referred to as the “Browser Wars.” How popular are the various web browsers around the world right now? As you’ll see, there are significant regional differences in web browser usage. [20/09/12]
- La evolución de la Web: Infografía con información sobre la evolución de la Web, sus tecnologías y los navegadores. [20/09/12]
- Programación de aplicaciones web: historia, principios básicos y clientes web: Introducción. Historia de Internet. Arquitectura cliente/servidor. Qué es una aplicación web. Estructura de un sitio web. HTML. Guía de estilo. Lenguajes de script. JavaScript. Modelo de Objetos de Documento.
- Statistically Speaking: Browser Wars Escalate: The new round of Internet-browser wars is accompanied by a battle over browser statistics. At stake: which Web browser, Microsoft Corp.'s MSFT -0.58% or Google Inc.'s, GOOG +1.65% is the most popular around the world. [20/09/12]
- The Browser Wars: Since the birth of Netscape in 1994, browser development has been a battleground. Microsoft enjoyed a decade of dominance with Internet Explorer. But now Firefox has almost 20 percent of the market, and Chrome is entering the fray. [20/09/12]
- Browser Wars: Chrome vs. IE9 vs. Firefox: Web browsers just refuse to sit still. They just keep evolving to offer new speed and standards support, all moving towards the ultimate goal—enabling websites to do everything that native applications can. Case in point? The HTML5 getUserMedia draft specification. This new spec allows a webpage to access a user's webcam and microphone, dispensing with the need for a plugin such as Adobe Flash or Microsoft SilverLight to achieve this feat.
- Bruselas estudia multar a Microsoft por imponer Explorer, su navegador: Nueva refriega en la larga batalla de la Comisión Europea contra las prácticas abusivas de Microsoft. Joaquín Almunia, vicepresidente del Ejecutivo comunitario y responsable de Competencia, acaba de anunciar que investigará si la compañía fundada en 1975 por Bill Gates y Paul Allen ha incumplido su compromiso de abrir a los usuarios de Windows, su sistema operativo, la posibilidad de utilizar navegadores distintos a Internet Explorer. [20/09/12]
- Cómo funcionan los navegadores: lo que hay detrás de los navegadores web actuales: Este completo manual sobre las operaciones internas de WebKit y Gecko es el resultado de las extensas investigaciones realizadas por la desarrolladora israelí Tali Garsiel. Durante varios años ha estado revisando toda la información publicada sobre las características internas de los navegadores web y ha pasado mucho tiempo leyendo su código fuente. [20/09/12]
- Con cifras definitivas de Mayo, StatCounter confirma que Chrome pasó a Internet Explorer: De acuerdo a un comunicado de prensa que hemos recibido de StatCounter, la compañía confirma que según sus cálculos, con las cifras completas de Mayo, Chrome acaba de pasar a Internet Explorer en el mercado global de navegadores.
- How Browsers Work: Behind the Scenes of Modern Web Browsers: This comprehensive primer on the internal operations of WebKit and Gecko is the result of much research done by Israeli developer Tali Garsiel. Over a few years, she reviewed all the published data about browser internals and spent a lot of time reading web browser source code.
- Por favor, elija su navegador favorito: La Unión Europea obliga. A partir del lunes, los usuarios de Windows 7, XP y Vista en Europa que usen su ordenador con conexión a la Red podrán ver una pantalla al iniciar su ordenador en el que se les pedirá que elijan entre varios navegadores, entre ellos IE -que hasta ahora era el único incluido por defecto con el sistema operativo-, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari y Opera. Toda una oportunidad para avivar la competencia entre ellos.
- The browser wars are back!: It's like 1995 all over again. Again. Competition between Firefox, Google, and Microsoft for users' time online -- and especially on mobile devices -- is fierce once again.
- United States v. Microsoft: United States v. Microsoft was a set of civil actions filed against Microsoft Corporation pursuant to the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 Sections 1 and 2 on May 18, 1998 by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and 20 states. Joel I. Klein was the lead prosecutor. The plaintiffs alleged that Microsoft abused monopoly power on Intel-based personal computers in its handling of operating system sales and web browser sales. The issue central to the case was whether Microsoft was allowed to bundle its flagship Internet Explorer (IE) web browser software with its Microsoft Windows operating system. Bundling them together is alleged to have been responsible for Microsoft's victory in the browser wars as every Windows user had a copy of Internet Explorer.
Pregunta 1
¿Dónde fue desarrollado el navegador Mosaic?
Tu respuesta: En NCSA
¡Respuesta correcta!
¿En qué año empezó a desarrollarse el navegador Mosaic?
Tu respuesta: 1992
¡Respuesta correcta!
¿Para qué sistema operativo se desarrolló la primera versión de Mosaic?
Tu respuesta: Unix
¡Respuesta correcta!
¿Cuántos desarrolladores se dice que tenía Microsoft trabajando en su navegador?
Tu respuesta: 100
¡Respuesta errónea!
Solución: 2000
¿Cómo se llama la compañía que fundaron los creadores de Mosaic?
Tu respuesta: Netscape
¡Respuesta correcta!
¿Para qué sistemas operativos estaba disponible el navegador Mosaic?
Tu respuesta: Apple, Windows y Unix
¡Respuesta correcta!
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